Harmony Hosts Builders in Generative AI
How Startups are Navigating the Advent of GPTs — Generative Pre-trained Transformers.
As we all know, this year is The Year of Efficiency and AI. At Harmony, we are not only building at the frontier of blockchain efficiency, but we are actively integrating payments and smart contract pricing for cutting edge AI products.
This week we had the pleasure of hosting founders Saikiran Chadnha (middle) of SciSpace and Mani ka (Left) of Talview in our office for a discussion around "Competing in the age of Generative AI".”
Saikiran Chadnha is the Co-Founder of SciSpace, a comprehensive discovery and creation platform for researchers. The leaders of SciSpace are on a mission to fundamentally improve the way science is conducted at every level. Their platform is used by Nobel Laureates and more than a million researchers worldwide.
Mani ka is currently the CTO at Talview. Talview offers an AI-powered Measurement Platform which reduces bias with intelligent insights and enables data-driven decisions. They are dedicated to providing organizations with digital tools to make more efficient, informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of their talent, from recruiting to credentialing.
Generative AI is an exciting frontier in technology with massive potential to transform our working landscape. Navneet led a discussion with Saikiran and Mani and discussed how generative AI, especially large language models, have transformed their companies and products in recent years. Overall, they were optimistic, but the founders emphasized the need to temper expectations and ensure ethical use. The pair also mentioned that the need for high-quality data had ignited a race among AI startups to enhance their models and establish exit barriers. Lastly, they shared that explainability remains a challenge and they hope to devise new tools to extract visibility into the “black box.”
Two Additional Takeaways:
A key challenge AI startups face is establishing and preserving a competitive edge. Initially, SciSpace used their unique academic research as an incentive to attract users. However, the firm later realized that safeguarding this research was a more strategic move to establish an exclusive advantage over competitors. On the other hand, Talview's strategy involves gaining access to specialized datasets and widening their service touchpoints. By doing so, they generate proprietary data, further fortifying their competitive position. Moreover, developing superior AI models is a shared focus for both, aiming to stretch the technological divide that sets them apart from rivals. Their insights underscore the importance of strategic asset control, data exclusivity, and superior technology in establishing a robust competitive advantage in the AI industry.
Ethical considerations add an intricate layer of complexity to AI development. Concerns around bias, misuse, and misinformation propagation are significant. Establishing robust safeguards to ensure AI-generated content is unbiased, ethical, and secure is paramount. Crafting these ethical guidelines and bias-mitigation strategies is an ongoing, iterative process. It demands a balance between the benefits of automation and the need for human oversight. Startups must continue to assess and evolve these measures as AI expands and societal norms shift, ensuring the technology continues to serve society's best interest in an ethical, safe, and unbiased manner.
Learn more about Harmony’s Year of Efficiency and AI
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